

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel i have developed skills in generating ideas and working through them faster. In some briefs specifically the events brief i feel the generation of ideas was better than that of the Lloyds brief which didn't involve as much ideas, but overall i feel that through the generating of ideas that my work has improved but feel that i need to be more efficient when developing those ideas. Other skills i have developed a those involving creating an identity and a brand. It's something i want to go into but the briefs i chose reflected that they are still things i need to improve but feel that through crits and feedback its allowed me to progress these skills further and allowed me to more effectively apply these skills as i feel i applied them well however i feel they could be improved. Photography is skill i developed further than i expected to develop as studio lighting wasn't really something i had really thought about improving. I feel that learning some things about setting up the lighting has helped me strengthen the quality of the final boards which i produced at the end of the module.

2. What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
Through the module I wanted to improve the way i work, to do this, mainly for the bakery brief, i began to try to use photography in more aspects of the work than i would usually and tried to use less images off the internet as i feel that despite being easily available they can hamper the quality of my work. Within the events brief i began to look more at applying my own textures and brushes to my work so that the work becomes more personal and is more of my own. I feel that also through the events brief it allowed me to approach my work differently and look at my work differently as with some briefs i feel that i can sometimes put too much stuff, like textures and into a piece of work that it doesn't work as well as it could

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Photography through using more within my work to improve its final quality.
idea generation and would capitalise on this through trying to develop the ideas faster.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
Time management - this could be exploited more by using the planner more and writing down notes
Evaluating my work - Although this is done i feel that it could be further annotated to make what i am doing clearer
blogging - I feel that i could be photographing more of my development along the way with each breif

5. Identify five things that you will do different next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Manage my time better would allow me to produce more and better work.
Evaluate my work more would allow me to make better decisions about it.
More blogging would make my progress clearer.

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