

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel i have developed a range of skills which improve me as a designer. Over the course of this module its helped me manage my time better. I think i managed to apply the skills well enough to get things done on time and for the time i had set. Its helped me organise and balance my work more than i had before which again allowed me to give the right amount of time to each project. I think i didn't apply them as effectively as i could as i feel the wagamama brief i could have spent more time on. Skills in me producing packaging has also improved and i feel that its been applied quite effectively as the crisp packet design i feel is quite a strong piece and works really well.

What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
The way i work has changed mainly through the Doritos brief as i looked at a larger range ideas and possibilities considering how each aspect should look and i think the designs look better for it. More time has been spent i feel evaluating my work continuously than on previous briefs; using crit feedback more to improve my work. During the Doritos brief i would have liked to try and print on foil but that would have been difficult so i tried to print on glossy for a similar effect however i wasn't able to print it at the right time so had to try photograph it in a way which looked more foil/glossy like on matt paper.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalize on these?
Many of the strengths i see within my work are mainly the final pieces of the doritos breif as i feel that they turned out as i expected them to. I feel the overall presentation of my work is better but still needs to be improved especially that of my ideas which despite the strength being my idea generation the weakness of it is that much of it isn't presented in a clear enough way.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
I feel i didn't utilize some of the previously gained skills within this module and feel that my work would have looked better for it. I feel i could have tried to use more of my photography skills within the final pieces as they would have looked much stronger. I feel that the presentation of the work for the don't panic brief isn't really that strong and think its a bit messy. I don't think, for the Wagamama brief, that posters weren't as good as i had hoped as i feel the images don't quite get across the right message and i feel that i could have spend a little more time developing the idea and expanding it further for a better conclusion. I feel i still need to improve the presentation of my idea sheets as they aren't very clear sometimes and don't explain the process enough.

Identify five things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these.

  • Time management
  • try more alternatives within an idea
  • more ideas developed and expanded on
  • annotate and evaluate more
  • look at more possibilities

How would you grade yourself in the following areas:

Attendence 5
Punctuality 5
motivation 5
commitment 4
quantity of work produced 4
quality of work produced 4
contribution to the group 4

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