

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel i have developed skills in generating ideas and working through them faster. In some briefs specifically the events brief i feel the generation of ideas was better than that of the Lloyds brief which didn't involve as much ideas, but overall i feel that through the generating of ideas that my work has improved but feel that i need to be more efficient when developing those ideas. Other skills i have developed a those involving creating an identity and a brand. It's something i want to go into but the briefs i chose reflected that they are still things i need to improve but feel that through crits and feedback its allowed me to progress these skills further and allowed me to more effectively apply these skills as i feel i applied them well however i feel they could be improved. Photography is skill i developed further than i expected to develop as studio lighting wasn't really something i had really thought about improving. I feel that learning some things about setting up the lighting has helped me strengthen the quality of the final boards which i produced at the end of the module.

2. What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
Through the module I wanted to improve the way i work, to do this, mainly for the bakery brief, i began to try to use photography in more aspects of the work than i would usually and tried to use less images off the internet as i feel that despite being easily available they can hamper the quality of my work. Within the events brief i began to look more at applying my own textures and brushes to my work so that the work becomes more personal and is more of my own. I feel that also through the events brief it allowed me to approach my work differently and look at my work differently as with some briefs i feel that i can sometimes put too much stuff, like textures and into a piece of work that it doesn't work as well as it could

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Photography through using more within my work to improve its final quality.
idea generation and would capitalise on this through trying to develop the ideas faster.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
Time management - this could be exploited more by using the planner more and writing down notes
Evaluating my work - Although this is done i feel that it could be further annotated to make what i am doing clearer
blogging - I feel that i could be photographing more of my development along the way with each breif

5. Identify five things that you will do different next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Manage my time better would allow me to produce more and better work.
Evaluate my work more would allow me to make better decisions about it.
More blogging would make my progress clearer.


Final Lloyds Posters

Final Bakery Posters


I wanted to improve my photography over the course of this module and feel that learning a bit about setting up the camera and lighting has helped me improve the quality of some of the final photos which i have taken.

Final Pack

Final Poster

Poster dev

For the poster i wanted to keep the same style to that of the cards. I ended up using the mountain image from one of the postcards as i felt it was one of the strongest and i didn't want a poster which combined all the postcards.

Final Packaging

I feel the Packaging has come out OK but i think it could have been printed on to slightly thicker stock. I feel the overall design works well.

Further packaging Dev

I went with the button tie idea. But unfortunately you can't buy them so i had to make it from pin and some string. I feel it will work well with the idea i have for the front of the pack. As i was hoping to print on a similar material to an envelope i cut up a manila envelope as it had the quality i wanted the stock for the envelope package to be.

Packaging Dev

For the packaging i wanted to go with the delivery idea and thought that an envelope would be a suitable piece of packaging for it. I want it to fold out and reveal a poster and the set of cards. I preferably want the same material as an envelope. However i wanted it to be resealable and was unsure of how to go about it. I didn't really want a sticker because i felt work that well when resealing and gluing the inside of the flap wouldn't let me seal it again.

98, 95, 93 adjustment

In the crit it was suggested that these three postcards didn't quite work with the others as part of a set. So i went back and edited them so they fit better with the rest. I feel that they aren't the strongest designs of the set but think the revised designs work better.


For this i first tried to create the comet smudging and blurring a circle shape but it didn't fit with the rest of the image so i created my own shape. For this i managed to incorporate some of my own textures into the sky. I wanted to keep the old style look on this postcard and was trying to look at various ways of giving the effect.

Current Postcards

I Like how these are looking so far. But not sure about 1993 and 1995 as they don't quite sit right with the other postcards and i might go back and alter them.

Y2k Postcard

When developing this i had problems as the ideas which i had didn't really work digitally and many of the other ideas that i had didn't seem to work too well either so i went back and did some ideas and feel that its more of the outcome i wanted.

Russian Postcard

For this postcard i wanted the style of russian constructivism and feel that this comes across however i had problems trying to create a background for the image and felt that the empty space needed to be filled

Sheep Postcard

Through my ideas I've realized that each postcard is going to have to be significantly different from the other so that it can best communicate the idea. I like this idea but it doesn't really work along side the other postcards.

Mountain Postcard

After going through various ways it could look i settled on a black and white one as the others didn't quite work. I added colour and felt it improved it alot more

Train Postcard

I looked at creating a simplified image of a train but ended up creating a collage of images and textures and felt that the image was too complicated and i felt i needed to go back and simplify it. So i decided to remove aspects of the image that weren't needed.

Postcard Dev

For this brief i wanted to use more mixed media and try to put more of my own textures into my work. First i looked at creating my own paint textures and brushes for photoshop. after i looked at photographing textures that i could use.


Some photo retouching

My dad took some photos for the new harley shop in leeds which could be used to promote that store. I retouched some of the photos.


Lloyds TSB Press ad

This is how the press ad would work in a newspaper

Final Posters - bakery

I feel that these designs keep the simplicity i wanted from the brief and feel that they work well. I think i could have improved them a bit more though by making the image of the food the same size in each poster.

Final Leaflet

Final Packaging - bakery

i think these turned out quite well. I didn't go with the sticker idea on the bag packaging because i didn't feel it was necessary.

Logo changed again

It was mentioned in my tutorial that the swirl in the bakery logo was more associated with coffee rather than pastries so i decided to try and alter it so it didn't suggest that. however despite altering slightly the general feedback was still coffee. So i looked at using the simple silhouette from the packaging and feel that it works better than the swirl shape used before as its clearer

Lloyds Mailshot