
Speaking From Experience 2

The idea for speaking from experience has changed to more of a box design, which i prefer, named the black box. I named it this as its the same name given to the flight recording boxes used on planes which record every action the plane takes and i thought it was a fitting name as you record all the actions your going to take during the day. I prefer this idea and feel the clock on the front of the box makes it more interesting and feel the name is a bit ambiguous making it more appealing. I decided to use foam board for the inside as i didn't want to keep using card and felt that a softer material would work better. The front; i didn't really want to print onto the card as i wanted to have a more beveled effect which i do prefer. I think i could have done a better job with the box as its started fraying around the edges where the lid didn't quite close right, got round this by cutting corners.

But after the final crit i have realized where I've gone wrong with this project. I haven't really considered layouts for the box which i should have. After the crit i have tried to organize my work better so the process is more apparent. I will be adding annotation where necessary and adding missing design sheets. I feel more time could have been taken into putting together the box. The name of the package is something which needs to be changed and the front of the box needs to be altered as the circular clock isn't quite circular and i feel that as a center piece to the front of the clock it doesn't quite work.

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