
More Design

I produced this with no real purpose but i think it turned out well

Don't Panic

Should have posted this up sooner. Its the final poster from the don't panic brief. I not too keen on it really as i think i could have come up with a better idea.

Letterpress/Screen print Induction

I produced this on the letterpress induction. I thought the whole process was quite slow and i realized why they quickly adopted computers.  I would have images of the screen print induction but i forgot to pick them up afterwards. 


What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel i have progressed in the skills concerning print and its allowed me to make better choices when printing and preparing for print this i have applied well into my work through that of choosing appropriate stock to use along with document set up to print concerning colour usage such as greyscale and duotone where necessary which was used within the final packaging of the light bulbs. The skills learnt in preparing for print have allowed me to improve the quality of the prints and feel although not really reflected within my work appropriate choice of print process. The developed skills i have definitely improved on is the craft aspect of the production of the packaging and i feel i have improved over previous attempts with the final being more sturdy. Towards the beginning of the module i felt i had developed my skills in photography allowing me to produce more pleasing work and more presentable work on my final boards.

Most of the skills i feel i applied rather well i feel the skills that could have been applied more than others is that of the skills learnt in the screen print induction as no screen printing for the project was done as i didn't feel it was necessary for what i was producing.

What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?

Due to learning about the print processes i feel that whilst generating ideas i am considering various more options available be it the different possibilities of print or that of the different colour possibilities and its helped give me an understanding of what i should be looking at when producing my work that being the costs involved and the necessary colour palette for my work. My generation of ideas has also shifted in the fact that i now try to look at more variations of a single idea by looking at different layouts and styles of the idea more so than before. I feel that much more of my work this time round has been developed digitally and feel this has allowed me to avoid various problems of the presentation of my work and feel it allows my ideas to seen more clearly.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will  you capitalize on these?

I feel one of the main strengths within my work work is that of the presentation of the boards and that of my final packaging as i feel that they're quite strong pieces. Other strengths i can see in work is the development of the chosen idea within the good brief as i feel i considered a variety of options for the idea and feel i continued with the best idea and feel that the clarity of this progression is another strength as i can follow the progression of the idea clearly. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?

Many the weaknesses involve the presentation of my work. Although more tidily arranged this time i feel certain aspects of presenting my initial ideas is a bit scrappy and feel that the ideas could be better drawn out. Other weaknesses within my work that i can see is that i feel i could experimented more with various stocks when mocking up my box and the various other elements.The amount of research produced as i feel i could have improved on the amount.

Identify five things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these.

  • Produce clearer ideas which would improve the presentation of the work and allow me to better evaluate the ideas later.
  • Look again at stocks and consider more how they fit into the design as i feel it would help me produce a stronger piece.
  • Improve on the amount of research i produce which would allow me to make more informed decisions when producing my work.
  • Better continuos evaluation of my work again to allow me to make more informed decisions when producing my work. 
  • A lot more crit participation would allow me take better advantage of them and allow me to improve my idea more.

How would you grade yourself in the following areas:

Attendence 5
Punctuality 5
motivation 4
commitment 4
quantity of work produced 4
quality of work produced 4
contribution to the group 3


Good Boards

After adjusting the posters and re-adjusting the box and selecting different stock i finished the designs. Then 6 boards were made. I like how the work has turned out for this project and i think i have improved on creating mock ups and the overall presentation of my work, not so much the design sheets, improving the appeal of the work. I think though i could have done a bit more and possibly range of box designs.


More comforting

In the crit my current designs flawed in that they where too corporate and cold. It needed to be a more comforting design and individualistic.The growth of the plant was not really clear across the 3 posters so it has been reduced to one. So ideas were suggested and i tried to build on them and produced 3 variations of the original poster but a bit more pleasing. I feel the designs look an awful lot better because of the design changes. Not currently sure which one to use.


More bulb Packaging

Im a little suprised that these actually fit together quite nicely compared to the shambles of box i produced last year (i did kinda use a pre made net) I feel the box design i have picked is suitable for my product. I think however that the colour one that i mocked up looks a little to much like a tissue box.


Light Characters

Saw these and thought i could do something similar. Although the packaging and posters i am currently producing is for the eco conscious . I thinking possibly of producing a range of  bulb packaging aimed possibly younger people (possibly 18 - 25?) interested in characters/light painting.

Lightbulb packaging

Packaging development. However the net will probably be adjusted to fit the bulbs and extra card added inside to help hold the bulbs.


Lightbulb Posters

These are some of my ideas for the light bulb poster. i decided to produce some as i wanted to see how they would look. I feel that if i produce the poster first i could produce the packaging after and it would hopefully allow me to tie it all in better.

1 In a Million

I produced this over the summer and i quite like it.


Neenah paper poster

produced by Matthias Ernstberger at Sagmeister design studio for Neenah paper. He was commissioned to produce a poster using only one punctuation symbol.
I like how he has found the shape of the apostrophe within that of a gun.



Brand New

With Hewitt reflecting the first person to produce a fluorescent light bulb and to make it clearer that it was based around lights. HewittLights was made and after playing about with some of the fonts i settled on which i felt suited the design i wanted. Then to make the logo unique i decided to play around with aspects of the letters to show its relation to light more.


Bulb Packaging

While doing some research on bulbs and their packaging i came across these interesting designs for packaging which i might try for my design and things i might consider printing onto. I like the idea as it's very environmentally friendly as well as looking quite good.

Lightbulbs are good

Light can save your life if the room is too dark too see and thats what i'll be doing for this "good" brief. To promote that the safeness of the lightbulb and show how they are good i will possibly design the packaging of either a single lightbulb, which would involve printing onto the box, the bulb and possibly some wrapping paper; or i might produce a pack for few bulbs which i design on the box, the bulb, some paper and a piece of card.


Ink Landscape

This is some of Momoko Sudo's work all draw by hand dispite looking computer rendered.


This is some of simon bent's work which i am fond of. this is his website http://www.volume2a.com/


Colours For Print

After exploring various layouts and type i produced these two images. Currently i aren't really sure which one to pick as both show what i intend them to show as they both reflect the summer brief. I feel the test strip style of the top one better reflects what i did over the summer brief as it shows colour tones can be found through changing the viewpoint, surface, source, etc

Colour Variations

Duotones, tritones, and quadtones are greyscale images printed with two, three, and four inks. In these images, coloured inks, rather than different shades of gray, are used to reproduce tinted grays.Duotone increases the tonal range of a greyscale image. Duotone creates a kind of mood for the image and makes it look warm or cold and doesn't have the tonal range problem that monotone has.
Spot colour is a specifically mixed colour that isn't a standard offset printing ink its usually used to print colours outside of the colour gamut of CMYK. using just a spot colour can be cost effective but using it with CMYK can make the production costs more expensive. Pantone is the usual spot colour system used in the UK.
spot colour looks quite nice on a greyscale image but not so keen on using it as a monotone colour as it doesnt really give much tone.

Monotone images are greyscale images printed with a single, non black ink. Like spot colour it can be very cost effective. The image i have chosen to use doesn't really work that well in monotone with a single colour because of the lack of tonal range. In greyscale i feel the image works well. Greyscale is very similar to monotone as only shades of grey are used however due to the range greyscale can usually give a clearer image than monotone.

CMYK is the most used colour print system. it uses the colours Cyan, Magenta Yellow and Key (black). This has a higher colour range than duo and monotone. Its a subractive colour model where the more colour you add the darker it becomes.

RGB has a higher gamut than cymk but is only a screen based colour model with the colour values been different from screen to screen usually the colour has to be managed by a colour management. The colour model is an additive colour model where the more colour you add the more lighter it becomes.


Photography daze

As previously mentioned much of the last part of my holiday has been investigating colour and basically what affects it and how its seen because of this. But as recording many of the things i have produced i nice set of photos. These are few of my favourites because of their quality and how they are quite more striking than the other photos i've taken.


Ad Drawing

Saw this ad and it reminded me of something i've seen before. I like how the stop motion works with the person's hand and how it manipulates the drawings

Light Touch

Over the holiday (well half) i been looking at red and green. Looking at what can changes the colour of an object and how viewing the object from several angles can effect the colour on the object. How the light behind a colour can affect it and how the purpose of the colour can be affected by altering the surroundings. Looking for inspiration of aspect of the colour i could investigate, i found this. I really like they have turned it into a stop motion video and how well they have managed to draw some of the light images


julian beever

I think this guy's work is quite good I like how he works with perspective to create his image look so good

Posted by ShoZu



I saw this a while ago everyone has probably seen it , The Drench Advert with Brains from Thunderbirds. I thought this advert was pretty amazing as i feel it looks authentically a puppet which it actually isn't but none the less its still a good ad.

Banksy I.D.

More possible info on Banksy has emerged as "The Mail On Sunday says that Banksy is a former Bristol private schoolboy, Robin Gunningham, 34. In a report based on interviews with friends, former workmates and even Banksy's enemies, the newspaper said it spent more than a year gathering evidence."

A hint of colour

Usually when a mass of colour is added to work it usually looks not to good however I feel it works here because of the negative space


What Is Graphic Design?

Graphic Design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may utilize typography, visual arts and page layout techniques in varying degrees to produce the final result of the project. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.

Page layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page. Beginning from early illuminated pages in hand-copied books of the Middle Ages and proceeding down to intricate modern magazine and catalog layouts, proper page design has long been a consideration in printed material. With print media, elements usually consist of type (text), images (pictures), and occasionally place-holder graphics for elements that are not printed with ink such as die/laser cutting, foil stamping or blind embossing.

Graphic designers work with drawn, painted, photographed, or computer-generated images (pictures), but they also design the letterforms that make up various typefaces found in movie credits and TV ads; in books, magazines, and menus; and even on computer screens. Designers create, choose, and organize these elements—typography, images, and the so-called “white space” around them—to communicate a message. Graphic design is a part of your daily life. From humble things like gum wrappers to huge things like billboards to the T-shirt you’re wearing, graphic design informs, persuades, organizes, stimulates, locates, identifies, attracts attention and provides pleasure.

Graphic Design has, in the age of the computer is become more digital, allowing almost anyone to produce work to a reasonable aesthetic standard and with more and more paper being used from printing and more ink being used than ever before. Design is becoming more aware of the environment, more understanding and more ways are being thought up to convey the messege without harming the environment.

Graphic design is more digital than before which is probably why there is so much rubbish out there as its becoming too easy to produce.

People have taken advantage of the being able to graphic design at a fast pace with tournaments held allowing people to answer a 15 minute brief. Cut and Paste is a tournament just like this.


Speaking From Experience 2

The idea for speaking from experience has changed to more of a box design, which i prefer, named the black box. I named it this as its the same name given to the flight recording boxes used on planes which record every action the plane takes and i thought it was a fitting name as you record all the actions your going to take during the day. I prefer this idea and feel the clock on the front of the box makes it more interesting and feel the name is a bit ambiguous making it more appealing. I decided to use foam board for the inside as i didn't want to keep using card and felt that a softer material would work better. The front; i didn't really want to print onto the card as i wanted to have a more beveled effect which i do prefer. I think i could have done a better job with the box as its started fraying around the edges where the lid didn't quite close right, got round this by cutting corners.

But after the final crit i have realized where I've gone wrong with this project. I haven't really considered layouts for the box which i should have. After the crit i have tried to organize my work better so the process is more apparent. I will be adding annotation where necessary and adding missing design sheets. I feel more time could have been taken into putting together the box. The name of the package is something which needs to be changed and the front of the box needs to be altered as the circular clock isn't quite circular and i feel that as a center piece to the front of the clock it doesn't quite work.