
Live Honda Advert

Another good advert by Honda as this one went out live on Channel 4 at 8.10pm on 29th May 2008.


The Olympics

This is a bit late but when i did see the Olympic logo for London i was wondering why it was so rubbish. Only recently though have i found the person who produced this work. Wolff Olins produced the work and to be honest i don't think it best shows graphic design in this country at its best.


Back at the beginning

One the first briefs of the year was a numbers brief which meant designing a set of numbers related to a word; my word was advanced. I like how they look but not entirely sure that they work well because of them not being that simple, however i feel i realized this at the time felt that for the next brief i would try to keep it simple as much as i could.


Pete Harrison

Pete Harrison.
I Like the style of his work and feel they have a majestic quality about them. I feel his work has been fairly influencial towards the final brief i'm currently doing


By Laura Alejo. This work i like mainly because of the styling of the paint and the colours.


More Typographic

Radim Malinic work i like because the illustration around the type and how it suits the words being said. I like how intricate parts of the design is.

Scott Hanson

Whilst looking at James Whites blog I found another artists work which I was fond of Scott Hanson's work. It has a retro feel about the colours chosen which i like as it is a style which i like because it's not what i'm used to and is something different.


More Reflections

The work i produced at the beginning of the year i feel doesn't best reflect my work for the first year, besides this one as this i feel is the most finished of my works. The first weeks allowed me to learn to generate ideas faster as well as show me different things i should be considering when producing an idea. i think i have learnt quite a lot since the first few weeks and feel next year i won't be slack towards the work at the start of the year both because i would help improve my work as well as avoid having to do a lot of work at once. The quality of the work produced has improved (for most of the briefs anyway) and difference between the work at the beginning and end of the year is apparent.

James White

I found this surfing the web and some work which i really liked his work inspired by retro art work of the 70s. Link to his blog


After reflecting on past work i feel much of it is, to me, pretty rubbish as the quality isn't really that good. Selection of work for my portfolio is difficult as i aren't fond of much of the back up work i've actually produced and feel that even some of the finals aren't that great however i have managed to find work that does reflect progress within my first year.

The first year took a while to get used to i feel that many of the first one week briefs reflect this as i feel that i took a fair amount of time getting used to the pace of the course after this i feel i began to know how i needed to work. Workshops helped in allowing me to consider more options when producing my work. They allowed me to think more about the way the work was presented and the context it was placed in. The process of the workshops and one day briefs is something i enjoyed as it was slight difference in the way i worked and the processes i used.

Before beginning the course i wasn't very aware of the existing graphic designers out there. But after starting the course i feel I'm more aware of the designers out there and the agencies. But their work now informs my work more and work as seen an improvement i feel because of this and allowed me to gain more ideas and better quality ideas.

The book brief which spanned over several weeks allowed me to see how best i work and showed that i work better over a week rather than several. However i feel that after returning to the one week briefs i feel that some of the work wasn't my best work. An example of this is my mail shot for a refuse collector as i feel it doesn't really work well at all.

The crits although i could've contributed more i feel that they have helped me in seeing where the idea could be improved and what i should consider when producing.

The 1st year has allowed me to see the numerous options available to me when producing a piece of work which i never considered before. Its allowed me to be more critical of mine and others work. Its given me more confidence in myself as well as my work and allowed me to what best at and what i need to improve on.


For another one week brief we have had to produce a calendar for a particular year, I got 1994, it was a difficult year to replicate in design style as the 90's didn't have a particular associated style as the 70s and 80s did. I decided to focus on the fact that it was the international year of the Olympic ideal so i decided to base the calender around the winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. I like the overall design but feel the organisation of it on the paper could be something more improved.