
Other Poster Dev

Current Poster Dev

I Decided to remove the green swirl from the picture as i felt it wasn't really needed, but i decided to blur the background to see if it would help the person looking at it focus more on the actual kayak than the rest of the image. I decided to repeat what they had done on their own promotional stuff with the swirl at the bottom of the image.

package Development

Cupcakes and Croissants


Some Colour tests

I wanted a tint to the image to make it feel more inspiring.

Bakery Poster Dev

After looking at the sets of posters i didn't really think they were working so i went back through the previous designs and looked at what could be changed. I ended up with an idea which i feel connects better with the rest of the brand and feel it works better because of simplicity.


Colour tests

Layout and cropping

Lloyds TSB

Drawn up my ideas for the billboard and started to develop them digitally to see how they look. I feel that out of the two the kayak one is the stronger one and feel that it would work better as a set.


Packaging dev

I felt that the packaging needed to further suggest organic and have an element which would help make the brand more consistent.

Crit Feedback

After gaining some feedback that my logo didn't really suggest organic so decided to go back and edit it. I found that the logo didn't really work as well with a sans serif and felt that the green would help further suggest organic.


Also starting to produce the packaging which after printing needs altering so it would actually be able to fit a muffin.


I have started to develop the leaflet. Although i'm not currently sure of the layout on the back and it will probably need adjusting.


Further Packaging

After looking at other packaging for bakeries the small packets for single items were kept simple with just the logo on the design. I tried to follow this in my design and this is the first attempt. I need to adjust the size as its a bit to big.

Packaging development

I wanted to see if the templates i had chosen would work. i feel the box one works but the bag like one im not sure whether it would hold the required amount.




Currently trying to choose the appropriate idea for the outside of the packaging. I feel a fairly simple design will work well and would be more cost effective. The packaging would need to convey the idea of being organic. To do this the packaging will probably be on recyclable paper and be earthy in colour.


London Transport Brief

I wanted to start with the shortest brief of the ones i had. For the poster i wanted to display something which looked at particular place as i felt the a single poster to try capture the whole of the outer zones of london wouldn't work as they are all uniquely different. I am currently not sure as to whether or not this one should be the final one as although the colours aren't vivid and bright i prefer this one. I might expand on this brief further and develop a poster for each borough.

The logo