
Yr2 Evaluation

1. Reflect on the relationship between your portfolio of work and your creative ambitions as a designer.

My portfolio is very image based and feel this is the direction i want to go with in my work. It reflects quite a computer based approach using photography and feel this is what i want to continue with. I feel over the 2nd year that my work has become more about brands and packaging and this is something i aim to develop further.

2. Relate your own work to specific examples/areas of contemporary design practice.
I feel that much of my work is in the direction of branding, packaging, poster design and possibly animation. Its heading for quite commercial work like adverts or stings like e4 and product packaging.

3. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses against identified intentions and areas of contemporary practice.
My strengths and weakness have altered since last year and feel that much of my weaknesses are still related to more hands on approaches such as screen printing, although not entirely a weakness, its something i feel i intend to improve on in future. This year i feel i have identified additional strengths such as animation and its something i would like to develop.

4. Clarify areas of design, skills development and professional concerns that you aim to investigate further from this point forward.
I aim to develop more of an understanding of screen print and black and white photography. I also aim to develop my drawing style and some understanding of layout and type to help strengthen my work.

5. Briefly clarify the relationship between your creative practice and your proposed dissertation.
My proposed dissertation is titled 'can control promoted by graphics/advertising be subverted, and how?' i feel from researching into this it would help me gain more of an understanding of how my discipline affects other people and how they could interpret my work.