
Glenn Jones

I just recently found some of his t-shirt designs and think some of it is quite clever.Glenn Jones

Alex Trochut

I like some of work i just haven't got round to posting some of his work.



Boxing Photography

Jerry Lodriguss

Rocky Posters

Rocky videos

Image Brief

I have ended up producing work for a day in the life of rocky balboa. As i chose this module on the basis that it would allow me to improve my photography skills i will try to use them within this brief.

I have considered several ideas which would be difficult to implement photographically so i tried to go with the idea which allowed me to use photography.


Eric Shi

Pencil Shapener 3D

I'm glad i've managed to get the 3d pencil sharpener out of the way but i am also glad it actually turned out quite well.

David waters

Floppy Disk

I like idea of these posters and how they on they would look on disks and how many disks they would take up.

Some Illustration

I kind of like this style of illustration. These were done by Kierlisbon.

Hand made type


Statement Of Intent

I aim to produce a series of photos that show a life in the day of rocky balboa. The photos will be black and white with only red as the focal point of the image. The photos will reflect his life in the year 2009 and reflect his age that shows his life after what is shown in the films.