
Don't Panic

Should have posted this up sooner. Its the final poster from the don't panic brief. I not too keen on it really as i think i could have come up with a better idea.

Letterpress/Screen print Induction

I produced this on the letterpress induction. I thought the whole process was quite slow and i realized why they quickly adopted computers.  I would have images of the screen print induction but i forgot to pick them up afterwards. 


What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel i have progressed in the skills concerning print and its allowed me to make better choices when printing and preparing for print this i have applied well into my work through that of choosing appropriate stock to use along with document set up to print concerning colour usage such as greyscale and duotone where necessary which was used within the final packaging of the light bulbs. The skills learnt in preparing for print have allowed me to improve the quality of the prints and feel although not really reflected within my work appropriate choice of print process. The developed skills i have definitely improved on is the craft aspect of the production of the packaging and i feel i have improved over previous attempts with the final being more sturdy. Towards the beginning of the module i felt i had developed my skills in photography allowing me to produce more pleasing work and more presentable work on my final boards.

Most of the skills i feel i applied rather well i feel the skills that could have been applied more than others is that of the skills learnt in the screen print induction as no screen printing for the project was done as i didn't feel it was necessary for what i was producing.

What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?

Due to learning about the print processes i feel that whilst generating ideas i am considering various more options available be it the different possibilities of print or that of the different colour possibilities and its helped give me an understanding of what i should be looking at when producing my work that being the costs involved and the necessary colour palette for my work. My generation of ideas has also shifted in the fact that i now try to look at more variations of a single idea by looking at different layouts and styles of the idea more so than before. I feel that much more of my work this time round has been developed digitally and feel this has allowed me to avoid various problems of the presentation of my work and feel it allows my ideas to seen more clearly.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will  you capitalize on these?

I feel one of the main strengths within my work work is that of the presentation of the boards and that of my final packaging as i feel that they're quite strong pieces. Other strengths i can see in work is the development of the chosen idea within the good brief as i feel i considered a variety of options for the idea and feel i continued with the best idea and feel that the clarity of this progression is another strength as i can follow the progression of the idea clearly. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?

Many the weaknesses involve the presentation of my work. Although more tidily arranged this time i feel certain aspects of presenting my initial ideas is a bit scrappy and feel that the ideas could be better drawn out. Other weaknesses within my work that i can see is that i feel i could experimented more with various stocks when mocking up my box and the various other elements.The amount of research produced as i feel i could have improved on the amount.

Identify five things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these.

  • Produce clearer ideas which would improve the presentation of the work and allow me to better evaluate the ideas later.
  • Look again at stocks and consider more how they fit into the design as i feel it would help me produce a stronger piece.
  • Improve on the amount of research i produce which would allow me to make more informed decisions when producing my work.
  • Better continuos evaluation of my work again to allow me to make more informed decisions when producing my work. 
  • A lot more crit participation would allow me take better advantage of them and allow me to improve my idea more.

How would you grade yourself in the following areas:

Attendence 5
Punctuality 5
motivation 4
commitment 4
quantity of work produced 4
quality of work produced 4
contribution to the group 3


Good Boards

After adjusting the posters and re-adjusting the box and selecting different stock i finished the designs. Then 6 boards were made. I like how the work has turned out for this project and i think i have improved on creating mock ups and the overall presentation of my work, not so much the design sheets, improving the appeal of the work. I think though i could have done a bit more and possibly range of box designs.


More comforting

In the crit my current designs flawed in that they where too corporate and cold. It needed to be a more comforting design and individualistic.The growth of the plant was not really clear across the 3 posters so it has been reduced to one. So ideas were suggested and i tried to build on them and produced 3 variations of the original poster but a bit more pleasing. I feel the designs look an awful lot better because of the design changes. Not currently sure which one to use.