
More bulb Packaging

Im a little suprised that these actually fit together quite nicely compared to the shambles of box i produced last year (i did kinda use a pre made net) I feel the box design i have picked is suitable for my product. I think however that the colour one that i mocked up looks a little to much like a tissue box.


Light Characters

Saw these and thought i could do something similar. Although the packaging and posters i am currently producing is for the eco conscious . I thinking possibly of producing a range of  bulb packaging aimed possibly younger people (possibly 18 - 25?) interested in characters/light painting.

Lightbulb packaging

Packaging development. However the net will probably be adjusted to fit the bulbs and extra card added inside to help hold the bulbs.


Lightbulb Posters

These are some of my ideas for the light bulb poster. i decided to produce some as i wanted to see how they would look. I feel that if i produce the poster first i could produce the packaging after and it would hopefully allow me to tie it all in better.

1 In a Million

I produced this over the summer and i quite like it.


Neenah paper poster

produced by Matthias Ernstberger at Sagmeister design studio for Neenah paper. He was commissioned to produce a poster using only one punctuation symbol.
I like how he has found the shape of the apostrophe within that of a gun.



Brand New

With Hewitt reflecting the first person to produce a fluorescent light bulb and to make it clearer that it was based around lights. HewittLights was made and after playing about with some of the fonts i settled on which i felt suited the design i wanted. Then to make the logo unique i decided to play around with aspects of the letters to show its relation to light more.


Bulb Packaging

While doing some research on bulbs and their packaging i came across these interesting designs for packaging which i might try for my design and things i might consider printing onto. I like the idea as it's very environmentally friendly as well as looking quite good.

Lightbulbs are good

Light can save your life if the room is too dark too see and thats what i'll be doing for this "good" brief. To promote that the safeness of the lightbulb and show how they are good i will possibly design the packaging of either a single lightbulb, which would involve printing onto the box, the bulb and possibly some wrapping paper; or i might produce a pack for few bulbs which i design on the box, the bulb, some paper and a piece of card.


Ink Landscape

This is some of Momoko Sudo's work all draw by hand dispite looking computer rendered.


This is some of simon bent's work which i am fond of. this is his website


Colours For Print

After exploring various layouts and type i produced these two images. Currently i aren't really sure which one to pick as both show what i intend them to show as they both reflect the summer brief. I feel the test strip style of the top one better reflects what i did over the summer brief as it shows colour tones can be found through changing the viewpoint, surface, source, etc

Colour Variations

Duotones, tritones, and quadtones are greyscale images printed with two, three, and four inks. In these images, coloured inks, rather than different shades of gray, are used to reproduce tinted grays.Duotone increases the tonal range of a greyscale image. Duotone creates a kind of mood for the image and makes it look warm or cold and doesn't have the tonal range problem that monotone has.
Spot colour is a specifically mixed colour that isn't a standard offset printing ink its usually used to print colours outside of the colour gamut of CMYK. using just a spot colour can be cost effective but using it with CMYK can make the production costs more expensive. Pantone is the usual spot colour system used in the UK.
spot colour looks quite nice on a greyscale image but not so keen on using it as a monotone colour as it doesnt really give much tone.

Monotone images are greyscale images printed with a single, non black ink. Like spot colour it can be very cost effective. The image i have chosen to use doesn't really work that well in monotone with a single colour because of the lack of tonal range. In greyscale i feel the image works well. Greyscale is very similar to monotone as only shades of grey are used however due to the range greyscale can usually give a clearer image than monotone.

CMYK is the most used colour print system. it uses the colours Cyan, Magenta Yellow and Key (black). This has a higher colour range than duo and monotone. Its a subractive colour model where the more colour you add the darker it becomes.

RGB has a higher gamut than cymk but is only a screen based colour model with the colour values been different from screen to screen usually the colour has to be managed by a colour management. The colour model is an additive colour model where the more colour you add the more lighter it becomes.