
Photography daze

As previously mentioned much of the last part of my holiday has been investigating colour and basically what affects it and how its seen because of this. But as recording many of the things i have produced i nice set of photos. These are few of my favourites because of their quality and how they are quite more striking than the other photos i've taken.


Ad Drawing

Saw this ad and it reminded me of something i've seen before. I like how the stop motion works with the person's hand and how it manipulates the drawings

Light Touch

Over the holiday (well half) i been looking at red and green. Looking at what can changes the colour of an object and how viewing the object from several angles can effect the colour on the object. How the light behind a colour can affect it and how the purpose of the colour can be affected by altering the surroundings. Looking for inspiration of aspect of the colour i could investigate, i found this. I really like they have turned it into a stop motion video and how well they have managed to draw some of the light images


julian beever

I think this guy's work is quite good I like how he works with perspective to create his image look so good

Posted by ShoZu