

found this work from this Canadian agency. I like some of the work they've done for advertising the new mini.


One Week Brief

One of my projects should actually be be posted before this as i actually did it before, but i got to get round to photographing it first. But anyway my work, well working collaboratively with someone else we managed to produce i fair amount of work in a week. The brief was to pick a statement and produce visual devices to promote something. The statement was to produce to promote public transport and as west Yorkshire has the metro we decided to use their visual identity to design the pieces. I like the finished design however i feel we could have done something more creative with the design.

Music packaging

More non-format work. This i really like the combination between illustrative and photograph as it makes for quite a good interesting image


vinyl Sleeve

This i like the explosive look of the design and i feel it makes it look more dynamic. Non-Format

Cut and Paste Tournament

I came across this website for a tournament for designers where they are given a statement and then have to produce a piece of work in 15mins. They can't create anything before hand and everything has to be produced from scratch. Cut & Paste Digital Design Tournament 2007


Harley Davidson

Having being a member of a family of bike enthusiasts i find my look at magazines and newspapers for specifically motorcycles and motorcycle orientated advertisements. I found this nice advert from Harley Davidson produced by Carmichael Lynch. I like the advert as i like how he has created the image out of motorcycle parts and tire marks.


Final Book

This is my final book. Firstly I'm glad i finished because i was beginning to get bored of this brief as i kinda went on for too long. One thing i should mention is that the book actually smells of oil which it is supposed have on it any way.

I like how its actually turned out but I'm not quite sure what i could do with it if i had more time so I'm possibly gonna just leave the final as it is and cos I'm bored of it now. But i do want to go back and try to be more informative of where i was going with the project as the presentation revealed that their was a lack of annotation and primary research.


Book Poster

Back to the one week briefs and producing poster designs for my book. With a limited amount of time as the cover of the book still had to be produced on bucket i feel that the final posters i produced were only satisfactory as more info could have been added as they very clear as there was no call to action.

Adidas Poster

Whilst producing my poster i had a look at some existing posters and came across this Adidas poster from 2003 which was produced by 180 Amsterdam and thought it could inspire my poster as it had a similar ink effect. The layout and choice of font i feel works well. I think the sprayed ink gives it a more dynamic look suggesting movement and as its rugby impact of a tackle

Final book

After feedback from the crit i made the the appropriate changes and i feel that it has improved the look of the book.

Final Crit

Much of what the work produced for my final book quite hadn't worked the frame idea although looked good didn't really convey the fact that it was upper class and didn't work with the overall oily rag style look. I was also given the advice to look at alternatives for the cover the book as the idea i had preciously used for the crit wasn't as good as it could have been.

I should also try to look at different cloths for the expensiveness of the car and hopefully get the expensiveness of the cloth to work with that of the cars. For the cloth basically just use the oily background and reduce it to correspond to the expensiveness. I will also include the price of the cars on the cloth so that the organization of the logos is more clear. The covers i could possibly use with that of the cloths is possibly a bucket or overalls.