
100- Ideas

One of my ideas was for a sliding puzzle game but one for each logo. I had a go at producing it in card, i actually wanted to produce it in plastic but i just wanted to mock up the idea . I felt it was quite time consuming so i don't feel its an idea i'm going to continue with as i don't feel i wold be able to produce the book before the deadline.

One of my other ideas was to produce the book without binding it so it would be made up of various cloths which like in a garage would be covered in "oil" or look like there covered in oil. I've looked at various ways of making the logo look oily/worn/stamped from making stencils to producing the stamps out of cardboard. I also looked how it would look using pastels and a photocopier. But at present I'm not sure which way I'm going to take the idea yet.

100- Exsisting artists book

Sandra Jackman
On a Darkling Plain
17 x 16 x 16 in.

I like the overall look of this book and how it looks deteriorated and rusty. I feel it works with the relation to war and it works well in conveying destruction. I might consider using similar materials to this as many parts of it look rusted although no metal was used, what was used was painted and collaged paper, photographs and bottle.