
100 2gether

Also while looking at producing 100 photos of one thing i also looked at joining the photos and this was something i made whilst seeing how i would go about joining up the photos. The image is made up of 3 images joined together.

100 2 many

I considered the same layout when gathering my 100 to that of Warhol's 100 soup cans as i felt it looked the most appealing.

Other 100s

I considered collecting 100 of various different things but i felt with the time available that many of the things considerd. The things i did collect was 100 buttons, pennies, album covers, fonts, pins, car badges, car rims and steps. I Liked the various tones that showed through when the pennies were placed next to one another. Another i liked was that of the variation of the buttons which greatly differed from one to another


While collecting 100 i also considered using something like David Hockneys joiner photography except i would use 100 photos of one thing. I haven't really looked at his work in much detail yet after seeing it i find it quite interesting to look at and like how the seperate images don't quite fit together and i feel it makes it look more appealing.

This is the attempt at producing a joiner photo using 100 images. i feel it doesn't look quite as good and doesn't piece quite as well together.


More Etch-A-Sketch art

After finding the mini ad on you tube i also found a video of George Vlosich who is a Etch-A-Sketch artist and some of his work is pretty amazing to say it is produced on just a Etch-A-Sketch.

George Vlosich's art

Another Ad

Another ad, another car; the mini clubman although the car it self doesn't look that good the advert for it does and thats more of what i'm saying. I like the ad as at the beginning you wonder what its actually about. I find the use of the etcha sketch quite interesting as it gives the final image a distinct feel and i think that the final image (if actually done a etcha sketch) probably took quite a long time to produce.