

An artist called William burge has recently created an art-car based on on a 1968 volkswagon beetle and will be shown at the automobile fair in Essen from Dec. 1 to 9, 2007. I think its interesting that his "Phantoms" car is based on the beetle. i find the gargoyles on the car interesting but don't quite understand quite why they are there but i feel it he is comparing it to the style of building which are occupied by gargoyles and what the gargoyles mean. That gargoyle's grotesque form was said to scare off evil spirits so they were used for protection. I think he just be using them to scare off the evil spirits so he cannot crash I'm not quite sure.


Pixel Art

I found a nice style of art that takes an incredible amount of time to produce due to the fact that it is produced by putting each pixel almost in one by one. But when its finished it does look quite good like the one here. Its similar to the style on old video games

Life of a Bullet

Had my video elective the other day and saw an interesting clip from the intro of the film lord of war. I haven't seen the film so it it would probably of been up here sooner. I like the strange camera angle and the journey the bullet takes through the intro. I like the life story of the bullet as it is quite interesting to watch despite the ending of being very predictable. i like the mixture of CGI (well parts of look like CGI) and normal film.


more environment ads

He's another advert that interacts with the environment which also mentioned before that i like. I like how it looks like the cars themselves are also covered in paint. I also like how it breaks out of the regular canvas and sort of pulls you into it.



Environment ad

Here's another ad i liked that blended seamlessly into the environment. I think the placement of this ad is absolutely brilliant.

DHL Express

I saw this a while back but just seen it again recently. The first time i saw it it stood out mainly because of the image and the footsteps on the edge of the building.

spiderman ad

i thought this was also great, as i like advertisements which use the environment, i think it makes them more eye catching and because there a bit different from normal billboard ads(yawn).

Bag Design

I thought this was great. i like how the handle of the gun is part of the handle on the bag. i also like the skipping rope for the idea

Unicef Advert

i saw this when browsing the web for something else and i thought it was really amazing . I like the idea of the water being the mushroom cloud but i wonder how they got the water like that. i like how it contrasts with the stillness of the rest of the image.

funny car adverts

I found this site which used existing ads mostly car ones and then made them funny. I like the images as firstly they're funny and because they use the same layout from the original advert which makes them look like real adverts. It can be found here


Car Ads (Billboards etc)

Well i don't like many car adverts as basically there boring and mostly all the same style and very few are creative.


Sony Bravia Ad

I think this advert is amazing down to the fact it was done through stop motion and i just wonder how long it took them to make it. I also liked there other ads as well ( the ones with the bouncing balls and the exploding buildings of paint).

But i don't quite get what the rabbits are about though.


So after looking through various other works by Roper i found another piece i was particularly fond of as it really stood out for me probably because of the bright colours and its style. I found most of his work here http://roper.deviantart.com/gallery/. I like the messiness of the work a lot as i think it makes it look more creative


cover illustration for DCA magazine

Complex imagery is something i like within art as it makes me feel that the artist put a lot of effort in to creating the piece. But i also like it because every time you look at the work you usually see something you didn't quite see before.

That's same reason why i like this piece its complexity is what makes it quite interesting to look at. However most work by Kerry Roper has this style which i like.

I like the mixture of abstract shapes and the photos he uses within his work and the amount of effort that goes into creating the backgrounds to his pieces as they aren't just flat coloured.


Champangne Supernova

I stumbled across this while looking through Deviant Art. I like the tranquility about it despite it being quite complex in places, its probably the clouds. The clouds contrast well with the abstract pattern.